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What are the common PIN needle types?

With more and more PIN needle manufacturers providing customized PIN needle services, the market PIN needle types are also increasing, so you know what kinds of PIN needles are common on the market at present? Because there are many kinds of PIN needles on the market at present, there are also different classification methods. Among them, there are two most commonly used methods: according to the shape of the PIN needle to distinguish and according to the application of the PIN needle to distinguish. Among them, According to the shape of the PIN needle, the common PIN needles can be divided into round PIN needle, square PIN needle, L-PIN needle, T-PIN needle, square PIN needle, round PIN needle, U-PIN needle, Z-PIN needle, different PIN needle, seven-character needle, two-sided dental needle and bending PIN needle. According to the application situation of PIN needle, common PIN needles can be divided into connector PIN needle, transformer PIN needle, inductor PIN needle, mid-week PIN needle, connector PIN needle, capacitor PIN needle, resistance PIN needle, motor PIN needle, bipolar and triode PIN needle, integrated circuit PIN needle, automobile connector PIN needle, etc.